Ofsted Good GP Colour

Birmingham Road, Kidderminster, Worcestershire, DY10 2BY

School Office - 01562 822929

We recognise the impact of keeping in touch effectively to ensure you have a full understanding of what is taking place at school for your child. As part of the process of school development and simplifying communication to parents, we will be moving away from Weduc and onto Arbor. The Arbor Parent Portal website and Parent App will keep you informed about your child’s life at school, allowing you the opportunity to update your child’s information, view timetables, reports cards and behaviour overviews and carry messages from school.
We know that the vast majority of parents have already downloaded the Arbor Parent Portal App and we encourage anyone that has not done so to download and register this at their earliest opportunity.
We will begin using the Arbor App to communicate to parents on Monday 29th April and will stop sending messages through Weduc on Friday 24th May, this is to give parents time to switch to Arbor.  Once you start receiving messages from Arbor, please remove the Weduc App from your mobile devices where appropriate.
To assist any parents who have not yet logged in, we have attached an information sheet below to support with the transition.
As the Arbor system is a website portal and accompanying mobile device app, in order to be able to access the portal we must have an active / current email address recorded on your child’s record.
If you do have any issues logging on, then please do not hesitate to contact the school via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Arbor Information Sheet


Arbor Information leaflet

Size : 481.11 kb
Hits : 304
Date added : 2024-04-25