Parent Voice
The Parent Voice is made up of parents from the school who represent Primary, Senior and Sixth Form students. The aim of the group is to help improve communication between school and home and to act as a controlled forum in which issues and recommendations can be discussed.
It is not designed to raise and address any complaints, for which there is a formal process that needs to be adhered to as outlined in the policy on the website.
Parent Voice meets once per term and minutes are uploaded onto the school website to allow open access and to promote transparency.
Any parent who is interested in joining Parent Voice can contact the school and express an interest which will be considered when a vacancy becomes available, as to ensure efficiency there is a limit on numbers with a maximum size of 10.
The current representatives on Parent Voice are:
Karen Chance
Lucy Donaldson
Jon Turley
Simon Crouch
Shelly Carter
Rachel Realf
Minutes of the meetings can be found below.