Ofsted Good GP Colour

Birmingham Road, Kidderminster, Worcestershire, DY10 2BY

School Office - 01562 822929

Primary School

The Primary School provides high quality education for children aged 4 – 11 years. Occupying a dedicated suite of classrooms within the main school, enables specialist senior school subject teachers to work easily with our younger pupils from the earliest opportunity. In addition to our own hall, library, and IT suite, this close proximity to Senior School allows the sharing of facilities such as the swimming pool, science laboratories and the home  economics room, as well as the outdoor sports courts. Pupils attending local nurseries, including  Little Trinity Nursery which is based within the school's grounds and linked to the school's main building, but not part of the School, make this transition with ease.

Importance is placed upon the teaching of English and Mathematics within a broad, balanced and creative curriculum. Dedicated teachers inspire every child to become inquirers of the world around them and to enjoy learning  whilst demonstrating initiative when applying their developing skills to  solving complex problems. Half term themes stimulate pupils to research  topics in depth and consider creative ways in which to present their findings. It is important that children are able to and be given opportunities to communicate their thoughts effectively to a variety of audiences. From Year 3, pupils study French and our Creative Arts curriculum is designed to both motivate and help pupils express themselves through the use of a variety of mediums.

The safe nurturing environment places individuals at the heart of our ‘family community’. Pupils learn to approach unfamiliar situations without anxiety and to build confidence to explore new ideas and tackle new challenges. Our strong pastoral structure helps to create principled and caring individuals and small class sizes allow form teachers to get to know each child well and to value their views, encouraging positive contribution to school life. As part of our pastoral programme we are able to offer art as an alternative counselling process. House structure promotes teamwork and friendly competition.

We encourage our pupils to be independent thinkers and inspire them to grow into confident individuals who are committed to learning for the rest of their lives.

Extra curricular
Extended learning beyond the classroom encompasses a wide range of extra-curricular clubs and activities, including expert tuition from external parties. A wide variety of music, drama, school trips to places of educational and  historical interest as well as visits by invited guests help to enrich the  school’s academic curriculum. With outstanding sporting success, both  locally and nationally, every individual is given the opportunity to maximise personal potential.

* Pre-school supervised care is provided from 8am and after-school care is available until 5:00pm.