Ofsted Good GP Colour

Birmingham Road, Kidderminster, Worcestershire, DY10 2BY

School Office - 01562 822929

Induction Information

Welcome to Holy Trinity School and Sixth Form Centre, a co-educational and multi-faith school, Holy Trinity is unique in that it offers education to pupils from the ages of 4 to 18. Regardless of when a pupil joins the school, families are made to feel welcome and at Holy Trinity we pride ourselves on our inclusive provision that enables our young people to grow as individuals and develop the confidence to actively engage within the school community. Offering a broad and balanced curriculum that values academia, we also place great importance on the arts, music and PE, as we feel that it is important to enable our pupils to explore and widen their interests beyond what is considered to be a traditional curriculum.

The video below shows a sample of some of the art work our students have created.

Click on the files below to hear samples of our choirs' music.


At Holy Trinity, we aim to empower our young people to become independent life- long learners who are able to contribute to and interact within society and see school as a preparation for life in general. As such personal well-being and development is a critical part of our provision and we encourage pupils to participate in house events, clubs and the Student Action Group, the representative voice of the pupils within school. We also offer training for pupils in senior school to become mentors, led by our Sixth Form leadership team who are an inspiration to our younger pupils. We are fortunate to have such excellent role models, as we see in our Sixth Form, within the school, re-enforcing the message to have aspiration and to challenge our own capabilities.



Those interested in joining Reception are potentially making a 14 year commitment to the school, ample opportunity to develop a strong working relationship between school and home and to discover if Holy Trinity is the right school for you, click here to discover more about our Early Years provision.

For a virtual tour of the prep school, please click here.


Year 7

Although our pupils in Year 6 transfer to Year 7 in senior school, we move from a two form entry to three form entry structure, which allows for external admissions to the school.

We are delighted that you are either continuing your educational journey by joining us from our prep school or that you considering joining us for the next 5 years of your education from one of our many primary feeder schools. Whilst we are obviously dealing with difficult times and are incredibly disappointed that our usual transition days cannot take place we hope that the resources and links found on this page help somewhat in guiding you through the process of transition in to year 7. We very much look forward to welcoming you all through our doors in the upcoming academic year.

For a virtual tour of the senior school, please click here.

Senior Curriculum Information


Year 12

In year 12, we offer a wide range of subjects and all students benefit from a high level of pastoral support from a Sixth Form tutor. The well-being of students is essential in promoting academic success and whilst students are taught in a stimulating environment by teachers well qualified in their chosen field of study, recognition of social and personal needs are of equal importance. 

For a virtual tour of the Sixth Form, please click here.

To find out more about life in Sixth Form, please click here.



For information on how to apply for places at Holy Trinity, please click here.

Should you wish to download or view our school prospectus, please click here.



Key information regarding finance systems within the school can be found here.


General enquiries

We would like to encourage all prospective families to contact the school to arrange a tour of the school. We are keen to establish dialogue with families and address any questions or concerns that you may have. To raise a question with the school please do so via the contact form which can be found here.