Ofsted Good GP Colour

Birmingham Road, Kidderminster, Worcestershire, DY10 2BY

School Office - 01562 822929

Holy Trinity School and Sixth Form Centre in Kidderminster is overjoyed to be the proud owners of a new minibus thanks to the fundraising efforts of the school’s PTA, parents, children, staff and local businesses.
Headteacher Mrs Pamela Leek-Wright commented: “The whole school community is benefitting hugely from our new minibus.
“Thank you to everyone who worked so hard to support the numerous fundraising initiatives that took place and a huge thank you to our wonderful PTA and staff for working tirelessly to ensure our student extra-curricular programme continues.”
PTA members and school staff ramped up their fundraising activities and events which included movie nights, raffles, student events, mufti days and PTA student discos.
PTA Chair, Mrs Michelle Howles, commented: “To be able to provide such a valuable item to the entire school community within one academic year is a fantastic achievement, which was only made possible by the amazing support given to the PTA by the whole school community.
“It is already popular with the pupils and enables so many more students to attend a wide variety of events away from the school site.”
Generous minibus sponsors include Affinity Leasing, AVS (Auto Vehicle Specialists), Astley Doors & Windows, KD's Hair and Beauty, Vhujon, Woodland Interiors, Surface Processing, Display Essentials and the School Shop.
Mrs Leek-Wright added: "We are extremely fortunate to have such a committed and enthusiastic PTA which has provided the majority of the funding needed to purchase the minibus - and my thanks to the many parents and local businesses who have supported us.
"Holy Trinity’s new minibus will allow us to continue our extended-support of students in sport, educational visits and enrichment opportunities.”